Sunday, December 2, 2007

Terminator 4

Why? Why? What the hell are these film makers thinking? The Halcyon Company who makes the Terminator movies are already in pre production for a fourth installment. T4 will not include Schwarzenegger but will star one of my fav actors Christian Bale. Oh and if you thought that was enough, stayed tuned for T5 and T6 being added to the billion dollar franchise. Wait, also Fox 5 network is soon going to air the Sarah Connor Chronicles drama series. You know I use to think to myself how crazy it would be if some movie company was dumb enough to put out more sequels of Terminator. I need to stop thinking like that! Why would anyone want to watch this without Arnold? It's not necessary! T3 was okay, but didn't really have a clear ending. So your probably thinking thats why their is going to be a sequel to make sense of it right? Wrong, Terminatior Salvation: The Future Begins is not a continuation of the prequels but a new plot and more bad ideas.
The problem with alot of these movies that put out bad triologys and more is that they never intended to stretch the films originally. For example Matrix was great, Matrix 2 was pretty good too but then Matrix 3 was a little far fetched. I think thats because movie company's try to milk movie franchises to gross more and more $$$. I understand thats how the business works but what about the fans who sincerely cherish the movie. This is ruining their favorite characters. Should writers force themselves to write sequels even though they know it doesnt make much sense? (i.e. SAW)
The following are films that should of quit while they were ahead. 1) Rocky IV 2)Universal Soldier 3) Matrix II 4) X-men 2

1 comment:

Combat Chan said...

If the movie just turns out awesome, then IDK care who is in the movie.