Sunday, December 2, 2007

Terminator 4

Why? Why? What the hell are these film makers thinking? The Halcyon Company who makes the Terminator movies are already in pre production for a fourth installment. T4 will not include Schwarzenegger but will star one of my fav actors Christian Bale. Oh and if you thought that was enough, stayed tuned for T5 and T6 being added to the billion dollar franchise. Wait, also Fox 5 network is soon going to air the Sarah Connor Chronicles drama series. You know I use to think to myself how crazy it would be if some movie company was dumb enough to put out more sequels of Terminator. I need to stop thinking like that! Why would anyone want to watch this without Arnold? It's not necessary! T3 was okay, but didn't really have a clear ending. So your probably thinking thats why their is going to be a sequel to make sense of it right? Wrong, Terminatior Salvation: The Future Begins is not a continuation of the prequels but a new plot and more bad ideas.
The problem with alot of these movies that put out bad triologys and more is that they never intended to stretch the films originally. For example Matrix was great, Matrix 2 was pretty good too but then Matrix 3 was a little far fetched. I think thats because movie company's try to milk movie franchises to gross more and more $$$. I understand thats how the business works but what about the fans who sincerely cherish the movie. This is ruining their favorite characters. Should writers force themselves to write sequels even though they know it doesnt make much sense? (i.e. SAW)
The following are films that should of quit while they were ahead. 1) Rocky IV 2)Universal Soldier 3) Matrix II 4) X-men 2

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bias hollywood publicity

I can't understand why these young female socialites in Hollywood take up so much publicity. The media pushes their lives in our faces all day. You know the Lindsey Lohans, Britney Spears, Paris Hiltons.
It doesn't matter how many times they get arrested or receive negative publicity, they are always going to be rich and infamous. Because it is not cool to be just famous anymore you've got to be known for doing something extreme. Partying all night won't cut it, you have to get caught drunk, wear no underwear, drive reckless and if you really want to be the it girl of the year. Put out a sex tape! You will be sure to get front page of the paper tomorrow. I think its sad. It really is sad to see people continue to support lawless, careless celebrities who blow thousands of dollars a week with their insipid lifestyles. The same fans of these celebs cant afford to party hard like them but can tune in to the lastest bullshyt.
Look at Kim Kardashian the bitch is getting worked out by Ray J in their sex tape, and now she has a reality tv show?? What has she done besides giving head on tape, that I should tune in to watch her show and contribute to her wealthy empire? Another thing I dont get is why do certain celeb's never get in trouble. Usually its community service, a day in jail, maybe two. What is that? Why does someone like Kate Moss get caught SNORTING COCAINE and has not lost any endorsements and is still the top model in the world? The bitch is doing lines on video at a coke party. But when other celebs such as Barry Bonds is accused of taking steroids, the media can not rest until his image and legacy is tainted forever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Kanye and Fifty

If you are dumb like every other MTV/media influenced consumer you will buy into the Kanye and Fifty cent album debut battle and contribute to their wealth. If you have some type of intelligence you will realize that it's just a hyped publicity competition. Then you will go buy who you feel makes a better album or go to the 9/11 anniversary of infamy.
I like .... well it doesn't matter who I like but I know that fifty cent probably has an ounce of respect for Kanye West if he went this far to promote this rivalry. Because If I know an artist can't outsell me then I wouldn't even mention his name, not in the music business. Some one is going to get embarrassed.
One of the most important things Kanye has said that made sense in a long time was (no not Bush hate black people) MTV used Britney Spears for ratings! I couldn't agree more. Everyone knows that the VMA's sucked for the past few years. (Since they had not got a funny comedian since Chris Rock) Sarah Silverman is the worst comedian I have ever heard. Those long awkward moments between her lame jokes were pretty obvious that she's wack. This year they didn't even have performers on the same main stage! It was segregation not racially but perhaps genre wise! Who would want to watch their fav artist perform in a suite on a big screen somewhere close by but not really in the area. That had to really suck! Now with all of these lame squeezed in odd paired performances, they have the nerve to let Britney Spears open the show. Of course she sucked but they took that risk to draw attention to the VMA's. Well you got our attention now MTV. I know what to expect next year.