Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Kanye and Fifty

If you are dumb like every other MTV/media influenced consumer you will buy into the Kanye and Fifty cent album debut battle and contribute to their wealth. If you have some type of intelligence you will realize that it's just a hyped publicity competition. Then you will go buy who you feel makes a better album or go to the 9/11 anniversary of infamy.
I like .... well it doesn't matter who I like but I know that fifty cent probably has an ounce of respect for Kanye West if he went this far to promote this rivalry. Because If I know an artist can't outsell me then I wouldn't even mention his name, not in the music business. Some one is going to get embarrassed.
One of the most important things Kanye has said that made sense in a long time was (no not Bush hate black people) MTV used Britney Spears for ratings! I couldn't agree more. Everyone knows that the VMA's sucked for the past few years. (Since they had not got a funny comedian since Chris Rock) Sarah Silverman is the worst comedian I have ever heard. Those long awkward moments between her lame jokes were pretty obvious that she's wack. This year they didn't even have performers on the same main stage! It was segregation not racially but perhaps genre wise! Who would want to watch their fav artist perform in a suite on a big screen somewhere close by but not really in the area. That had to really suck! Now with all of these lame squeezed in odd paired performances, they have the nerve to let Britney Spears open the show. Of course she sucked but they took that risk to draw attention to the VMA's. Well you got our attention now MTV. I know what to expect next year.